Erkunden Sie unsere Kurse
Structured Cabling System
7 StundenEmbedded Linux Systems Architecture
35 StundenSoftware Architecture in Cloud
21 StundenIntroduction to Enterprise Architect
7 StundenEnterprise Architecture in the UAF
40 StundenUML in Enterprise Architect (workshops)
21 StundenUse Case Modeling
14 StundenSysML by example with Cameo Systems Modeler
21 StundenIntroduction to Domain Driven Design
14 StundenIntroduction to ARCADIA with Capella
7 StundenOCSMP Model Builder - Fundamentals prep
21 StundenSysML by example
21 StundenLast Updated:
Vielleicht wären mehr Übungen zum Lernen besser, aber die Zeit war zu kurz.
Gianpiero Arico' - Urmet Spa
Kurs - Embedded Linux Systems Architecture
Maschinelle Übersetzung
Praktische Übungen in EA.
Paweł - Krajowa Szkoła Skarbowości
Kurs - UML in Enterprise Architect (workshops)
Maschinelle Übersetzung
Neue Perspektiven, ich werde ein paar Tage brauchen, um alle Informationen zu erfassen. Mir hat es sehr gut gefallen, dass wir einige Übungen machen mussten und in kleine Gruppen aufgeteilt wurden. Das hat uns zwischen den Präsentationen auch zum Nachdenken angeregt :)
Jantea Marius
Kurs - Software Architecture in Cloud
Maschinelle Übersetzung
-Knowledge of the teacher in the subject was really good. He was able to explain very nicely and was able to answer all the questions at that moment. -To be able to know what all the tool is capable of was really good. -The structure he showed, like using scenarios and traceability would be really helpful in my day-to-day work.
Harsha Jain - Scania CV AB
Kurs - Introduction to Enterprise Architect
Great knowledge.
Marie - Forsvarets forkningsinstitutt
Kurs - Systems Modeling with SysML and Enterprise Architect (EA)
The theory felt quite complete, we handled all important subjects. It was very nice we could zoom in on our use-case Achievements, which helped us with understanding the theory.
Henk Huybrechts
Kurs - Systems and Service Architecture - Microservices Architecture
I really enjoyed the real examples and exercises.