Course Outline

1. Introduction to Cloud Computing

  • How did we get here - 
    • From application hosting to SaaS to public & private cloud
  • Cloud definition
    • Chose your flavor: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
  • Typical cloud usage scenarios
    • SaaS vs. traditional enterprise computing
    • The programmable Web: an API in the cloud

2. Cloud Migration

  • Better utilization through resource virtualization
  • Cloud management for elasticity: automated, on-demand provisioning of resources
  • Evolving the economy of scale through shared infrastructure and applications
  • Cloud benefits and challenges

3. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

  • IaaS architecture and key features
  • Who are the major IaaS providers?
    • Microsoft Azure
      • Web Roles & Worker Roles
      • Scalability, load balancing, fail over
    • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
      • Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) & Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
      • IaaS+: AWS Application Services and Marketplace
      • Regions & Availability Zones
      • Networking & security
      • Monitoring, Auto Scaling, & Load Balancing
      • Building scalable and fault-tolerant applications
      • How to protect yourself from outages
      • Management interfaces
  • Private & hybrid cloud
    • Drivers & challenges
  • Defining the requirements
  • A Methodology for building a private cloud
  • How to manage the private cloud
  • Who can help: vendor overview
    • VMware
    • Abiquo
    • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
  • Hybrid clouds
    • Use cases
    • Product example: Eucalyptus
  • How to select a private cloud model

4. PaaS (Platform as a Service)

  • PaaS defined
  • A complete PaaS stack
    • Where to draw the line: IasS+ or pure-PaaS or custom-SaaS?
    • What functionality do we need to build applications for the cloud?
  • Multi-Tenancy
    • What is a multi-tenant system?
    • Evolving the economy of scale
    • Customizing the application for a tenant
    • Considerations for multi-tenant applications:

    Stability, SLA, legal & regulatory, security, maintenance, 3rd-party components

  • Who are the major PaaS providers?
    • Microsoft Azure
    • Google App Engine
  • Outlook: the future of PaaS

5. SaaS (Software as a Service)

  • What is SaaS?
  • Some examples.

6. Cloud Architecture

  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
    • Service Layer Model & the concept of loose coupling
    • SOA + Event Driven Architecture (EDA) = e-SOA
    • What is REST and why is it important for the cloud?
  • Synergy of SOA and Cloud - the industry view
  • SOA / SaaS synergy
  • SOA / PaaS synergy
    • Approaches to meet demand
    • Applying SOA principles to the cloud: loose coupling, encapsulation, asynchronous services
    • Building multi-tenancy applications based on SOA
    • Migrating legacy systems into the cloud
  • SOA / IaaS synergy
    • Service-Oriented Infrastructure (SOI)
    • Service virtualization vs. server virtualization
    • Automated, on-demand resource provisioning

7. Cloud Integration

  • The need for cloud integration and its challenges
  • How SOA can help: focus on integration
    • From application integration to Service Oriented Integration (SOI)
  • The need for (inter)mediation
    • Mediation functionality
  • Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) reference architectures
  • What are the particular requirements for cloud integration?
    • From ESB to “Internet Service Bus”
  • Product Examples:
    • Windows Azure AppFabric
    • IBM Cast Iron
    • Fiorano

8. Standards and Open Source Software

  • Cloud standards
    • Portability & interoperability: problem statement
    • Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF)
      • Open Virtualization Format (OVF)
      • Open Cloud Standards Incubator
    • Apache Libcloud
    • Open Source Software (OSS)
      • OpenStack

9. Cloud Security

  • The evolution to Cloud Security
    • From traditional Web applications to SOA to Cloud
    • Public cloud vs. on-premise datacenter
  • Cloud security is a multi-dimensional problem
    • Dimension 1: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
    • Dimension 2: Network, VM, application, data
    • Dimension 3: CSP, tenant
  • Identity, Entitlement & Access Management (IdEA)
    • Authentication & Access Control
    • SAML, XACML, and Policy Enforcement Point (PEP)
    • Security across on-premise systems & multiple Clouds
  • Cloud Security Alliance standards
    • Cloud Controls Matrix, Consensus Assessments Initiative, Cloud Audit, Cloud Trust Protocol
    • Security, Trust, and Assurance Registry

10. Governance for Cloud-Based Services

  • Business vs. IT vs. EA vs. SOA vs. Cloud Governance
  • Why SOA governance can (should) be the basis for Cloud governance
  • SOA governance frameworks, standards, technologies
    • Open Group’s Service Integration Maturity Model (OSIMM)
    • Open Group SOA Governance Reference Model (SGRM)
    • SOA Governance Vitality Method (SGVM)
  • Cloud governance
    • Similarities and differences to SOA governance
    • Delineating responsibilities: cloud provider vs. cloud customer
    • Switching cloud providers – the worst case test for your governance
  • A Cloud governance methodology
  • Technologies for implementing governance

11.Outlook and Conclusions

  • Outlook and usage for cloud computing
  • Hadoop – gaining popularity in the Cloud
  • Cloud Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)


  • General knowledge of distributed computing and application development.


  • IT Architects
  • IT Consultants
 35 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant (excl. VAT)

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